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"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by

Your fellow Superwoman

This week's quote is in honor of the great and beloved poet, Maya Angelou, whose inspirational writings continue to touch lives allover the world.

This quote goes out to my older sister who is also a first time mom just like me. (Our babies are actually only 5 months apart.) Unfortunately, my sister is going through a very difficult situation right now as a mother. It's something no mother, especially a first time mom, would ever want to experience with her baby. I want to dedicate this quote to her in hopes that it will provide her with the strength she needs to get through this tough time.

Motherhood does not come with a manual or a guide. We learn as we go and that's okay. Motherhood is nothing without the lessons we learn from mistakes, accidents, and experiences that occur along the way. There will always be others who will feel the need to give their opinion or input on your dutifulness as a mother. However, we must learn to never let those opinions interfere with our confidence and self-value. No one knows a child better than that child's mother. No one loves and cares for a child more than that child's mother.

Motherhood does not come with a remote control, where we can pause, rewind, fast forward, or stop things from occuring. We must learn to allow motherhood to take it's natural course and never feel defeated by the bad times that come with it.

To my big sis, as Maya Angelou would say, YOU WILL RISE!!

"...You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll Rise."

-Maya Angelou

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