Today marks my baby girl's 5 months of life as well as 7 years since the day I met her father,my husband. This was a very emotional and melancholy weekend for me and it wasn't until Sunday morning, when I realized what date it was, that I figured out why I had been feeling that way.
Immediately, memories from 7 years ago rushed to my mind. I was overcome with recollections of how everything in the past 7 years of my life came about to give me what I now have today. Life works in magical, crazy ways and I am a true believer in the idea that everything in your life happens for a specific reason. I believe all the sequence of events in our lives are leading up to our one true destiny.
I was introduced to my husband by my mother. She had a very strong relationship with him at the time. So much so, he even called her "mom" before we met! My husband and I were born on the same day of the same month of the same year (hence, we have the same birthday and the same age). We were both born in the same state and both have the same initials of our names (C.F.). The room number where I delivered my daughter, was the month and day of our birthday. To add to the freakiness, our birth month and day, added up to the actual day of her birth.

For this reason, I have chosen this quote as the quote of the week. It was not until this weekend that I truly realized what my purpose in this world is. I have been blessed with having the honorable duty of being a mother and a wife. My life couldn't have anymore purpose...
...Sew this is Life!